Tuesday, March 3, 2015

P A D  K E E  M A O
[ D R U N K  N O O D L E S ]

The noodles of the drunks! The noodles for me! 

Remember me? I know, I'm Jeannie. How busy has life been!? From all the snowy blizzards, super boring daily chores, happiest of birthdays, picking up extra shifts behind the bar & A NEW DAY JOB.. (YES! I got it!! Woot woot!!) I can say things have been pretty, pretty, pretty hectic & I have been one overworked, little buzzing bee!

BUT! Let's talk flat wide noodles. Oh. my. goodness. MY ALL TIME FAV! I could eat these noodles everyday & be completely happy! I think the main reason why I love them so much is how soft & chewy they are. Mmhm.. crunchy is definitely one thing but soft & chewy is another perrrrfect texture.

This Southeast Asian dish (Laos, Thailand, China & Cambodia all have a similar one) is a HUGE comfort food of mine. This particular style is a spicy, savory noodle dish- no gravy; that's more Rad Na & Meekathung.

The most time-consuming part of this all was washing & prepping the veggies! The wok works best at high temperatures so seriously once you're done prepping- dinner will be ready in like 6 minutes :D

** Depending on the size of your wok, you may have to make this two times! I did just to allow more space to go wild..

** Edit: To get nice, hunky chunks of scrambled eggs cook your eggs before you throw in garlic & chilis! Both ways work but this ensures bigger bites of egg for you egg lovers!

Here. we. go!

1 Package fresh wide noodles
4 Stalks Chinese broccoli- chopped
(Regular broccoli is optional- I had some extra)
1 Large carrot cut into thin pieces
1 Red Pepper (La Rouge)
6 Thai Chili Pepper
1 Cup Thai Basil *Extra sprigs for garnish
1 Can Bamboo Shoots and/or Baby Corn
1lb Grassfed Steak cut into strips
3 Eggs
1 tbsp Cornstarch
6 Cloves of garlic
Vegetable oil

for the sauce:
1/2 Cup Oyster sauce
4 tbsp Fish sauce
4 tbsp Regular Soy Sauce
1/2 Cup Dark Sweet Soy Sauce
Ground white pepper

1. THE NOODZ! As you can see they come in blocks. Separate each into individual chunks & slice into 1" thickness. Throw it all into a big mixing bowl & add boiling water to make them easier to peel off each other- don't they feel chewy?! Drain & keep in the bowl.

2. Whisk together your sauce ingredients & set aside.

3. Let's marinate your beeeeef! Mix 1 tbps cornstarch with 2 tbsp oyster sauce & coat. Leave out to chill for a few minutes.Not into all that? Throw in tofu or even add extra veggies like mushrooms, asparagus, whatevs! 

3. In a mortar add garlic & thai chili peppers- get angry! But be careful! Don't get one those hellions (seeds) in your goddamn eye >.<

4. Heat up your wok to medium heat & add your vegetable oil. Add the pounded garlic & chilis! What a sexy sight, huh?

5. Add your beef & cook for just a minute or two. 

6. Turn up the heat to high & add your veggies, noodles & sauce to start softening things up a little. Oh yeaaah.

7. Stir fry for a few minutes~~ Add a tablespoon of water if needed- but not much! We don't want mushy noodles. 

8. Push everybody aside & add more oil to one side of the wok- welcome your eggs!

9. Once the eggs start to cook scramble them & incorporate into the stir fry'd goodness.

10. Take off from the heat/ burner & ADD YOUR BASIL!! WOOOOHOOO!! Stir them in ever so gently so that they still keep their innocence.

11. Taste! I like to add more dark sweet soy sauce at the end to get a better, burnt color. 

12. Plate & garnish with ground white pepper + a sprig of thai basil ^_______^

& there you have it.. saanku so much for reading- I freaking hope you don't just store it in your brain folder of useless knowledge, so please!! MAKE IT! Oh & I'm not trying to take Blue Taleh out of business but this came out reaaaaaally gooooood..!